Research Assistant Peer Leaders: The Future of PLTL Research

Research at PLTL: Shaping the Future of Peer-Led Education 🌟


The PLTL program at FIU stands at the forefront of educational innovation, leveraging the power of peer-led workshops to enhance student learning experiences. Our commitment to continuous improvement and validation of our educational impact is deeply rooted in research. After a brief hiatus, the Research Assistants (RAs) initiative is being revitalized to integrate research more profoundly into our pedagogical framework.

Current Initiatives 📊

The RAs initiative, pivotal for harnessing research within peer-led learning, is poised for a comeback. We’ve begun collecting statistical data from Spring 2024 to lay the groundwork for our research efforts. This initiative covers a broad spectrum, including student feedback, peer leader performance, and comprehensive session analysis. These efforts are geared towards substantiating the efficacy of PLTL and its pedagogical principles.

Goals and Success Metrics 🎯

Our vision extends to the publication of our findings by Spring 2025, with the ambition to present our research at conferences, notably those hosted by the Peer-Led Team Learning International Society. Through meticulous assessment and stakeholder engagement, we aim to enhance our program’s framework, focusing on increasing student satisfaction and peer leader effectiveness.

Join Our Research Team 👥

We invite passionate individuals to join our research team, whether as a contributing member or as the lead researcher. Qualifications range from technical proficiency and PLTL experience to advanced research skills and a commitment to the initiative’s success.

  • Research Team Member: Requires at least two semesters of PLTL experience, basic computer literacy, and a commitment to participate in the research process for approximately one year.
  • Lead Researcher: Apart from demonstrating advanced research skills, leadership qualities, and a deep understanding of research methodologies, the lead researcher is expected to have extensive involvement in the PLTL program.

Application Process 📝

Please reach out to the office for more information at

Our Research Focus 🔍

Exploring the Efficacy of PLTL

At the heart of our research initiative lies a profound inquiry into the efficacy of the Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) program. Through this research, we aim to comprehensively understand the impact of PLTL on both students and peer leaders, focusing on:

  • Student Success and Graduation Rates: How participation in PLTL influences academic performance, retention rates, and timely graduation.

Our methodology will encompass quantitative analyses, such as comparisons of GPA and graduation rates, as well as qualitative approaches, including interviews and surveys, to capture the lived experiences and perceptions of participants.

Detailed Research Timeline

Our approach to exploring the efficacy of the PLTL program is methodical, with a timeline structured around academic semesters, ensuring a thorough investigation and analysis.

Spring 2024

  • Team Formation: Recruitment and selection of research team members, including the lead researcher.
  • Preliminary Planning: Establishing research goals, methodologies, and review of existing literature.

Summer 2024

  • Data Collection Begins: Initiating the collection of quantitative data from current and past PLTL sessions.
  • Qualitative Research Design: Development of surveys and interview protocols for later distribution to participants.

Fall 2024

  • Mid-Project Review: Evaluation of progress, preliminary data analysis, and adjustment of research strategies if necessary.
  • Expanded Data Collection: Continuation of quantitative data collection and commencement of qualitative data collection through surveys and interviews.

Spring 2025

  • Analysis and Findings: Comprehensive analysis of collected data, formulation of conclusions regarding the efficacy of PLTL.
  • Drafting of Research Paper: Beginning the write-up of findings, methodologies, and implications for publication.
  • Conference Preparation: Preparation for presenting findings at the Peer-Led Team Learning International Society Conference.

Summer 2025

  • Final Review and Submission: Finalization of the research paper and submission to academic journals for publication.
  • Presentation at Conferences: Presentation of research findings at national and international conferences, showcasing the impact and efficacy of the PLTL program.

Get Involved

If you’re passionate about research and wish to contribute to the advancement of peer-led learning, we welcome your application. Join us in this exciting journey to explore the depths of peer-led education and its impact on student learning.