🌐 Welcome to PLTLIS at FIU 🐾

🎯 What is PLTLIS? 🌏

The Peer-Led Team Learning International Society (PLTLIS) is a global community dedicated to enhancing educational success through peer-led learning. Founded on the principles of collaborative learning and peer facilitation, PLTLIS aims to foster academic excellence and personal growth by creating supportive environments for peer-led discussions and activities.

📜 History & Background 🕰️

PLTLIS was established to promote the Peer-Led Team Learning model worldwide. Originating from classroom innovations, the model has evolved into a structured program that integrates peer-led sessions into the educational system, thereby enhancing both learning and teaching experiences.

🤝 How PLTLIS and FIU’s PLTL Program Intersect 🛤️

At Florida International University (FIU), the PLTL program is aligned with the core objectives of PLTLIS. Our Peer Leaders and GD (Group Discussion) Leaders undergo rigorous training and continuous improvement programs inspired by PLTLIS guidelines. By marrying global standards with local needs, we strive to create an academically enriching experience for all participants.

📋 Program Features 📚

  • International Network: Gain access to a vast network of educators, students, and academics sharing best practices and research.
  • Training & Development: Avail of various professional development opportunities such as webinars, workshops, and international conferences.
  • Research & Publications: Stay updated with the latest research and educational tools through our affiliated journals and newsletters.

💌 Get Involved! 💪

Join us in making education more interactive, engaging, and successful. Whether you’re a student, educator, or academic institution, there’s a place for you in PLTLIS at FIU.

  • For Students: Become a Peer Leader and enrich your educational journey.
  • For Educators: Integrate PLTL methodology into your teaching practices.