Session Guide

This guide is designed to help you navigate through your session effectively, ensuring a productive and engaging learning experience for everyone involved.

📝 Before the Session 📝

1. Prepare Your Materials

  • Review the session content thoroughly.
  • Prepare your session attendance.
  • Ensure all digital tools and platforms (like Canvas) are set up and functioning.

2. Set Clear Objectives

  • Define what you want to achieve in the session.
  • Prepare a list of key points or questions to guide the discussion.

3. Communicate with Participants

  • Send a reminder to students about the session, including topics and any preparation required.
  • Inform them about any materials or tools they need to bring.

4. Create a Welcoming Environment

  • Arrive early to set up the space.
  • Ensure the physical or digital environment is conducive to learning.

🗣️ During the Session 🗣️

1. Start with an Icebreaker

  • Engage in a brief activity to warm up and connect with the students (preform Review, Summarize, and Connect [a.k.a. RSC])

2. Clearly State the Session’s Goals

  • Outline the objectives and what students can expect to learn.

3. Facilitate Active Learning

  • Encourage participation and discussion.
  • Use pedagogy techniques to stimulate critical thinking.
  • Be attentive to the students’ needs and adapt your approach as necessary.

4. Monitor Group Dynamics

  • Ensure that all students are engaged and participating.
  • Manage any conflicts or disruptions promptly and diplomatically.
  • If you see that not many are participating, call the students in the order they are sitting in-person or in zoom if online.

✅ After the Session ✅

1. Wrap up and Summarize

  • Conclude the session by summarizing key points.
  • Highlight what was learned and how it applies to their coursework.
  • Make sure to take the attendance.

2. Gather Feedback

  • Ask students for feedback on the session.
  • Conduct a quick verbal survey.

3. Reflect on the Session

  • Take time to reflect on what went well and what could be improved.
  • Consider both your leading methods and the students’ engagement.

4. Prepare for the Next Session

  • Based on the feedback, plan adjustments for future sessions.
  • Begin preparing content and materials as needed.

5. Update Records and Follow Up

  • Document attendance and participation.
  • Follow up on any unresolved questions or issues from the session.